Healthier Choices (Team Angel plus Xander, gen)

Aug 19, 2013 19:22

She's posting an all-human AU on Phantasmagoria...

Wtf? Wt actual f?

Guys? Guys! It's okay. This ficlet is totally about Shells. Just not about an Old One and a human body turned to virtual stone.

Title Healthier Choices
Characters Xander, Wesley, and other Team Angel players
Rating PG
Words 990 (Warning: An all-human explanation of Illyria's emergence suggests (but does not explore nor fully address) some form of mental health issue.)
Setting A coffee shop AU for trope bingo, all human, post-NFA
Summary Of all the coffee shops in all the world, Xander had to stumble into this one. Right smack into his past.

Click for fic!

a516 shells, fic

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