Episodes in Focus: Beneath You/Ground State

Sep 09, 2012 16:15

It's time for two shiny new Episodes in Focus. Next week we are looking at Beneath You and Ground State. So from Monday your time, get sharing whatever you have to share on these electrifying new Episodes in Focus.

Episode in Focus: Beneath You
From beneath you… nothing good is coming, apparently. Whether it's a dog-eating super worm monster, or possibly un-crazy but badly dressed Spike, it's a bad day for things from below. And then there's the high school principal who wants Buffy to work for him? That ain't natural. Willow's starting to make her way back to Sunnydale; Anya's vengeance is a little too close to home… and Spike's soul is definitely not sitting easy.

Key quote:
Could you die? 'Cause, seriously, speaking for everybody who are me in the car right now, we're very excited.
Well, I'm glad for all of you then.
I mean, it's just so cool. You're coming to school with me. You'll be, like, there the whole time. (pauses) You understand you cannot talk to me, look at me, or hang out with any of my friends, right?
Look, I doubt we'll be seeing each other, assuming I even half-understand my fuzzy job description.
It's not fuzzy. You're, what, dealing with troubled kids?
At a spanking new Hellmouth High. Please. Outside of drugs and violence and the unwanted pregnancy, and, uh, unleashing of hordes of Armageddon that comes pouring out of the school's foundation every now and then, what trouble could these kids have?


Episode in Focus: Ground State
Got to confess, I love Gwen Raiden's character. Here we are amid Connor's betrayal, the post-Holtz, post-Justine, ongoing-Lilah/Wesley, rediscovered Angel melange of tragedy and trouble. And here's this woman who just won't be beaten. She has a tragic backstory, and she hates being a freak, but she also has red leather pants and can fry you alive if she chooses (plus jump start you if that was a mistake). And she's good at what she does. Better at a heist than Team Angel, right now. They've lost Cordelia, and they're focusing on getting her back. Whatever it takes. It leads Angel to paths of crime, and to Dinza, goddess of the lost. (As one of our commenters said last week, it's a trope that we saw last season on BtVS. So, will Cordy come back wrong? Spoilers!)

Key quote:
Who are you?
Who are you?
I asked you first.
What are you, seven?
Tell me you're not here for the Axis.
I'm not here for the Axis.
You're lying.
I'm fibbing. It's lying, only classier.
Gwen motions with her hand, and the laser beams bend up, out of her way.
(jumps down to the floor) Technically? I'm exciting the subatomic particles with electrical energy and then bouncing 'em off each other before they hit ground state. I just love that folks go for this hi-tech stuff. Electricity comforts 'em. (scoffs) Suckers.
What- are you?
I'm a freak


Still have something to share about last time's episodes, Lessons and Deep Down? You have another week's grace to post anything you want for these eps. We can always stand a little more of the good stuff!


Modly note: Thanks guys, I have screencaps again. Now, if only scrapbook would let me upload them. *headdesk*

prompts, a402 ground state, 702 beneath you

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