Ficlet: The Front Lines

Sep 05, 2012 09:37

¡Yay! Lessons, wherein we meet a new principal for Sunnydale High! He's handsome, charismatic, and just charming enough to possibly be evil! What's not to like? I'm sure we'll see more of Robin Wood's story as it unfolds, but today I bring you a ficlet that explores some of his backstory:

Title: The Front Lines
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG
Word Count: 800
Characters: Mostly Robin, with a smidge of the Gunns
Summary: Robin thinks about all the varieties of monster he knows, a couple of years before he comes to Sunnydale.

The main difference between Robin and the other kids was that he never had the luxury of believing that the monster under the bed was imaginary...

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fiction, 701 lessons

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