Welcome *back* to the Hellmouth: Episodes in Focus: Lessons/Deep Down

Sep 02, 2012 16:50

Welcome back, everyone! It's an all-new season at Phantasmagoria, and that means two shiny new Episodes in Focus. This week we are looking at Lessons and Deep Down. So from Monday your time, get sharing whatever you have to share on these new Episodes in Focus. As a reminder, all types of fanwork are welcome, including recs as well as your own creations. We're looking forward to seeing your posts!

Episode in Focus: Lessons
So, where did we leave the guys? Not in the greatest place, though they've been worse. Willow and Giles are in England, working on curing her of grief, murder and dark magic addiction. Anya is a demon the ruins of the Magic Box, no longer part of the Scoobies. Spike's somewhere that turns out not to be Africa. Xander, Buffy and Dawn look like a very small remnant of the gang we knew.

Oh, and some fool decided to rebuild Sunnydale High. Of course that's going to go well. And first day signs are… vengeful and creepy?

Key quote:
Now, remember, if you see anything strange... or, you know...dead.
I got it
And stay away from hyena people, or any lizard-type athletes, you know, or if you see anyone that's invisible.
Hey, Buffy, I think it's pretty safe to say I'm not going to see anybody that's invisible.
You know, you could still drop out. Only nerds finish high school.
You know, I don't really think it's fair for you to try and scare me on my first day of high school. 'Cause it is so redundant.
The place is evil.


Episode in Focus: Deep Down
And these guys, where did we leave them? Cordelia going to a good place, Angel going to a bad place, Lorne in the bright lights of Vegas, Wesley in a dark and lonely place (with Lilah. Also Justine in a smaller, darker place. With her bucket.) and a small band of survivors feeling like there are a lot fewer people around than before… Huh. Can you say series parallels? But for Angel, reunion is just around the corner. Is it going to be a happy homecoming?

Key quote:
Fred: "There's still Wolfram and Hart."
Gunn: "Right. We just stroll into their heavily guarded law offices and ask Lilah, the evil bitch queen, for help finding out what happened to their archenemy, but, we're kinda broke, so it'll have to be pro bono."
Fred: "I didn't say it would be easy."
Gunn: "How's impossible? They're too big. Without Angel we can't afford pissing them off."
Fred: "Maybe we should think about asking..."
Gunn: "No."
Fred after a beat: "Well, I'm glad we talked it over."
Gunn: "We already asked him for help twice."
Fred: "Then we'll ask him again."
Gunn: "Fred, Wesley doesn't give a damn about us."
Fred: "Have we given him a reason to?"


a401 deep down, prompts, 701 lessons

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