Protect your new tattoo from sunlight...

Aug 24, 2008 13:04

Body Art for the Undead
Ficlet for the episode: Angel
Response to prompt #2, "how did Angel get his tattoo?"
Rating: PG

“You vicious whore.”
Darla smiled sweetly at the compliment while Angelus pawed clumsily at his back.
William was pointing and laughing and Dru was tittering like the loony bird she was.
“Make him remove it!” Angelus’ fingers dug into Darla’s jaw, just below the smirk.
“My dear boy, why ever would I do that? You swore to me this was just what you wanted. I recall quite clearly you said… well, you weren’t very clear, I’m afraid you were rather intoxicated. I told you to stay away from those bohemians!”
“And the conniving bitch just couldn’t resist the temptation to have me branded by a stinking sorcerer!”
“Don’t be a spoil sport, Angelus. It was a singular opportunity. You know the art form doesn’t usually take with our regenerative properties. We were very lucky to find him.”
“Well where the hell is he? I want it off!”
“You ate him, dear.”
William fell off his chair, hooting. Drusilla was making flapping motions with her hands and skipping about the room.
Angelus threw Darla’s head back in growling disgust, briefly contemplated beating William to within an inch of his unlife and tried to ignore Drusilla. He pushed an empty corpse off the bed and sat down, dejectedly.
“Fine, then. Will you at least tell me what it is?”William flopped around on the floor in fresh paroxysms of laughter.

107 angel, fanged four, fiction

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