The Bot! Such pathos! Such bathos! So lovable and cringe-inducing! So...sad. *sniff* She appears in just four episodes, but her character arc is one of the most complete on the show. Grand love, thrilling heroics, domestic bliss(?), and tragic martyrdom - it's all there. But I want more!
Fortunately, because of our very talented fellow fans, I've got it! I have many, many fan-made Buffybot favorites. They are set anywhere from Intervention into Season 6 and beyond. Here's a roughly chronological list:
During and after Intervention
Title: I, Buffy
Author: flurblewig
Rating: Mature (well, it's Warren, so "mature" might not really be the right word)
Length: One shot
Characters: Warren Mears, Buffybot
Warren does a final (hands off!) check before Spike picks up his order. Note: This is silly and disturbing at the same time.
Title: Bored Now
Author: Jane DaVitt
Rating: R
Length: Drabble
Pairing: Spike/Buffybot
Spike's not happy. Title: The Naked Truth
Author: Spring Summers
Rating: Teen for some sex talk
Length: One shot
Buffy has a "little" talk with the Bot, just to make sure Spike was on the up-and-up about not giving Glory any info about Dawn. Naturally, she hears a lot more than she planned...Note: Do any of you old-timers know if this is the complete version of this story? It ends a little abruptly.
During The Gift
Title: Pieces of the mirror
Author: Bkitty
fluffybkittyRating: NC-17
Pairing: Buffy/Buffy-bot
Length: 6,000, One shot
Buffy doesn’t want anyone else changing the Buffybot’s clothes and it leads to a little self-exploration. Post-The Gift (that summer)
Title: Buffybot's Great Adventure
amyxaphaniaCharacters: Buffybot, Harmony
Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word Count: 1,447
When Willow sends the Buffybot on a slaying mission, you know things aren't going to turn out well... Title Second Hand
brutti_ma_buoniRating R to NC17
Pairing Buffybot/Cordelia
Word count 950
Cordelia gets grief counseling from an unexpected source. Title: Unexpected Assignment
hello_spikeyRating: PG13 for Spike's usual vocabulary
Characters: Ensemble, plus Lydia Chalmers (Watcher) and minus Giles
Length: One shot
When Giles resigns his position, the Council sends a replacement who is determined to find out what caused a breech in the warm Slayer/Watcher relationship she'd witnessed in Checkpoint. Unfortunately, everyone seems determined to keep her from her new charge. Note: Okay, so this is a Lydia fic, but the Bot is wonderful, too.
Title: I'm Not Supposed to Be Like This
Author: spuffyduds
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Darla, Spike, Buffybot, OC
Length: One shot
Darla wanders California, desperately trying to find a way out of her pregnancy.Note: Okay, so this is a Darla fic, but the Bot is wonderful, too.
Title: Acts Of Self-Conscious Behaviour Contrary To The 'Not In Front Of The Children' Act
Author: Beer Good (
Rating: PG13
Warning: Some blatant innuendo literalness
Characters/Pairing: Willow/Tara, Buffybot
Word count: ~560
All you need to know is that this baby was part of the impromptu Rocket Launcher Fic Fest. Heh. Beyond that summer
Title: I was made for loving you baby
speakr2customrsRating: PG-13
Length: 7 chapters
Summary: I am not Buffy. Who am I? The Buffybot becomes self-aware. You’d think that wackiness would ensue, wouldn’t you? You’d be only partially right, as this story contains a serious look at self-determination. With a fair smattering of kitten poker and whatnot. AU Spanning that summer until post-Tabula Rasa.
One: In the Beginning /
Two: Trouble the Waters /
Three: Viva Las Vegas /
Four: Substitute /
Five: Dancing in the Streets /
Six: Erase and Rewind /
Seven: Everybody hurtsNote: The author wishes you to know that he considers this an abandoned WIP. I think it holds up beautifully as is, although I wouldn't be sorry to see more, if he changed his mind.
Title: Mine Own Executioner
speakr2customrsRating: PG, but dark
Length: 250 words
The timing is slightly different and the Buffybot manages to elude the demon biker gang. AU during Bargaining, Part 1
Title Finger on the Pulse
brutti_ma_buoniPairing Gwen/Buffybot
Rating R, a minor warning for some agency issues, depending on how you feel about sex robots
Length 1000 words
Summary Post-series.
The Slayer Council does business with Gwen Raiden, who finds an unexpected perk. Bonus! Check out this great video by
deird1 -
Robot Girlfriend.
Please excuse my lack of media embedding skills and just follow the link.