The awful summer

Oct 11, 2011 01:15

Everyone whose writing I admire seems to have written fic set in That Summer. so much that I blush to intrude my own writings. However, my craving for readers knows no shame:

Orpheus. Really. Spike's dreams and wishes.

Bookworms A shipment of books stirs memories.

Broken Things Some things may not be mendable, but some are less of a problem. Guest-starring Mr Gordo.

Penguin Orgy
Penguins, Spuffy, and right after The Gift. No, nothing is sacred when there are penguins.

Ways to Save the Girl A drabble stuck inside Spike's head.

Yes, there's a lot of Spike here. Sue me.

NB: I am not Joss. ME and Joss own Spike. Please don't sue me for borrowing him...

522 the gift, btvs season 5 catch-all, summer challenge, fiction

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