meta: script change in revealing angel as a vampire?

Aug 18, 2008 22:23

exhibit A

In the pack, Xander says that Buffy likes her men dangerous. but on what evidence is this assessment based? at this point in the story, they don't know that Angel is a vampire, so is he dangerous because he wears a leather jacket (probably not)? But the only other explanation is that Angel seems dangerous because he warns her about vampire stuff.. And it seems to me, that by Sunnydale standards, that shouldn't qualify as dangerous. Giles and Ms. Calendar have demon knowledge, and they're not viewed as dangerous (at least not at this point in the show).

exhibit B

in the episode Angel, Buffy berates herself in the hospital, saying "I invited him into my home, even after I knew who he was, what he was, and I didn't do anything about it." But she didn't. When she invited him into her home, she didn't know he was a vampire. When I went to to get the full quote, they pointed this out as a gaffe.

They also mentioned that Buffy had Angel stay at her home all day before she knew he was a vampire. In their words, "why did Buffy have Angel stay at her house for a whole day instead of having him just go home after sunrise? Did she think he'd be safer in her bedroom than in his own?" ( That struck me as odd too (that Buffy expects him to stay in her room during the day), but I thought I was getting too detail oriented. It's such a comfort to have other crazy fans around to keep me company!

Of course, Buffy also demonstrates clearly in this episode that she doesn't know Angel is a vampire (giving him real people food, screaming when he fangs out, etc).

summary and potential prompt

So what I'm wondering, is whether there was a different plotline originally, one in which Buffy knew/found out that Angel was a vampire earlier in the season and still worked with him. That would definitely explain these possible continuity issues, in that the writers might change the major pieces to fit the new plotline, but miss subtle pieces of dialogue and action that fit the old story.

It might be an interesting story prompt--to write the original s1 in which Buffy finds out that Angel is a vampire sooner. How does she find out? Does he tell her, or let it slip by accident? Do they wind up kissing anyway (that's easy for me to answer :) If so, how?

107 angel, meta, 106 the pack

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