Episodes in Focus: Shadow and The Shroud of Rahmon

May 08, 2011 17:01

Well, we've had quite a week at Phantasmagoria, haven't we! Fabulous effort guys, and we've loved seeing your contributions to the Fanged Four and Past Slayers special challenge. But even good things have to end, or we'd all get cranky, and next week we have a whole new challenge for you. The new Episodes in Focus are Shadow and The Shroud of Rahmon. After last week's flashbacks, we're right up to date, with spells aplenty and true natures on display, human, demon or Key-ish. Lots of mind-bending in Angel, lots of soul-searching in Buffy. So from Monday your time, get sharing whatever you have to share on these episodes.

Episode in Focus: Shadow
Okay, people, there's one thing I want to get clear before we start. That was totally a real snake-man seeking Dawn. I was completely convinced by the effects. But *completely*. M'kay?

Because apart from that, what an episode! If you weren't worried about Riley before, now would be a good time to start. Buffy's not talking to him, he's trying to take down vamp nests alone. Plus, this girl he's seeing behind Buffy's back: she's not so much with the daylight. We really start to understand Glory's fabulousness, and her relationship with the minions starts to take form. There's Spike, doing a not-at-all-creepy stalker thing and stealing Buffy's clothes; which gives us some fun antagonistic stuff with Riley too. Glory meets the Magic Box, in a transaction absolutely no one understands is significant till later. And she makes a little cobra into a great big, scary star. But at the heart of this episode is Joyce. And her shadow. And the shadow it casts on the Summers women.

Key quote:
XANDER: Okay, we were supposed to hook up with Riley this morning, to take on a nest o'vamps holed up in a tomb? So we get there, and guess what? Tell him, Will.
WILLOW: Tomb go boom.
XANDER: Yep. Captain America blowed it up real good. All by his lone wolf lonesome.
GILES: Hmm, uh, rather reckless of him. (We see Anya still studying the ad.)
XANDER: I'd say very rather.
GILES: All that aside, I should think you'd be pleased to avoid the confrontation.
ANYA: That's what I've been saying. I mean, I for one didn't want to start my day with a slaughter. (Suddenly gets a look of realization on her face; excitedly) Which really just goes to show how much I've grown!


Episode in Focus: The Shroud of Rahmon
Gunn and Angel do crime tonight - with Angel doing his fabulous Rat Pack dropout impression to top it off. Fittingly, because this is a caper, a heist, an Ocean's Eleven, but with fewer humans and absolutely no George Clooney. Oh, and it goes horribly wrong, what with the Macguffin bringing out the worst in demons who really don't need to show their bad side. Like Angel. It's also an ep with some great buddy action with Wes and Cordy, saving the day. Kinda. The humans don't do too well aroudn the Shroud either. But said caper ends with Angel getting a mouthful of human blood, for the first time in many years. Kate's blood, in fact. What might that have awakened in him?

Key quote:
Cordy: "Museums, museums. Okay, we've got the Moca. We've got the Lacma. Oh, the Gene Autry! (Wesley gives her a look) Well, it could be a magical stuffed horse!"
Wesley: "Let's assume not, and try Natural History."
Cordy: "Okay, here we go. Site map - membership - museum shop... don't they have a section like - things you might want to steal?"
Wesley: "Click on recent acquisitions. Right there. There!"
Cordy: "I got it! Jeez, back seat surfer!"
Wesley: "Angel should've been back by now."
Cordy: "Maybe the meeting ran late. (Points at screen) Could it be a collection of Chelicerate arthropods?"
Wesley: "Keep going. - Hold it. 'On the third of this month, museum research department received the Shroud of Rahmon from a tomb recently unearthed by University of New Mexico archaeologists.'"
Cordy: "Okay. Two words I don't like right off the bat: tomb and unearthed. People, you've got to leave your tombs earthed!"
Wesley: "Shroud of Rahmon. Have you ever heard of it?"
Cordy: "I'm not big on shrouds. They're an after you die outfit."


Meanwhile, over at still_grrr, it’s Minor Characters May: celebrate the minor characters from Angel the Series this week!

Still have something to share about last week's episodes, Fool For Love and Darla? You have another week's grace to post anything you want for these eps and the special challenges. We can always stand a little more of the good stuff!


prompts, a208 shroud of rahmon, 508 shadow

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