Fanged Four: Tales of the Connoisseurs

May 04, 2011 09:52

A vamp does not live by blood and mayhem alone, not if they're in it for the long haul. They attend the ballet, hang out with Baudelaire, read Sartre, go to Woodstock, watch The Carol Burnett Show, and in Spike's case, constantly quote movie musicals. Even Marcus, the torturing vamp from In the Dark, had a hard-on for Mozart. Some of my favorite stories explore how the Aurelian vampires interact with the arts and artists of their time, all the more fun since "their time" spans centuries.

Some of mine, all PG-13:

Moist and Delicious (1726) Darla, historical characters - Ficlet
Darla "innocently" influences a great man of letters.

The Scourge Does Titipu (1885) The Fanged Four - Ficlet 
After a pleasant evening at the theatre, the Scourge of Europe looks eastward.

I saw the best minds of my generation… (1959) Spike/Drusilla, historical characters - Drabble
A Beat poet finds inspiration in a new muse that's older than he imagines.

Voodoo Chile (1960s) Spike/Drusilla, historical characters - Fic
Woodstock was only part of the story...

And a few classics:

Manhattan Nocturne by Herself herself_nyc_fic  (NC17, with het, slash, blood, and mayhem) -Fic
New York City, 1928. Spike arrives in the big city and proceeds to look around. He sees a few things he likes.
Also available here at All About Spike.

Venus and Mars by shapinglight  (1874) Darla, Drusilla, OC, PG13-R -Fic
The National Gallery in London is not an improper venue for ladies to visit on their own.

What You Wish For by sockmonkeyhere  (1969) Spike/Dru, PG13 - Ficlet
Sometimes a fellow just wants to watch a little telly without interruptions...

pre-series, fanged four, fiction, recs

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