A multitude for the Fanged Four Week

May 03, 2011 22:09

I admit it, they were always my favorite to write. I have nothing new for this but I DO have a ton of stories spawned out of Fool for Love & Darla. These all go to FFN. I have more that would fit that are NC-17 but I need to find and upload those to AO3 since my website is no more. I may or may not have time for that but this should be plenty enough.

In the interest of time and space, I'm just giving you the links (i.e the titles), the pairings and rough time period. I tried to put them in some sort of progression but they are not interrelated other than being Fanged Four. Enjoy.

1 Stained Indigo Angelus/Darla, William/Dru, set in the 1880’s this is a role reversal AU and includes dialogue from Fool for Love and Darla

2 With Dead Eyes Spike/Dru, Angelus/Darla set very soon after Spike is turned.

3 Flowers in Snow Angelus/Dru, set in the 1800’s

4 Red as Any Blood Angelus/Darla, Spike/Dru, 1800’s

5 Lothario’s Lesson Angelus/Darla, Spike/Dru, 1800’s

6 Freaks and Geeks Spike/Dru set in the 1920’s at the circus

7 The Blind Pig Spike/Dru 1927

8 The Pause That Refreshes Spike/Dru, 1932

9 Radio Play Spike/Dru, Angel, set in 1945

10. Luxury
Spike/Dru set in the 1950’s

11 Wild Darla pov, Darla and Angel (not sure why I have no time period on this but its set during the building of the subways in NYC

fanged four, 507 fool for love, a207 darla

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