Fanged Four: The Ups and Downs of Career Placement - Spike/Drusilla

May 03, 2011 01:01

Okay, one more!

The Ups and Downs of Career Placement
By FemailoftheSpecies
Rating R to be safe
Warnings: vampires aren’t nice. These two are no exception. References to Christian Doctrine that may bother some.
Joss owns it all
Words 1795
Summary: Sometime after 1977 but before going back to Europe and ending up in Prague. Drusilla wants a career.

For the whedonland Hearts of Gold challenge
My Giftee is Christie from Team Dollhouse who was hoping for a wallpaper, but I am graphically challenged and this is supposed to be a gift not comedy so…it’s fic and since she said she liked Spike and Drusilla I was able to give her something she might enjoy.

Feedback is its own reward.

The Ups and Downs...

fanged four

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