Rec! Huge, compulsory classic rec

May 02, 2011 09:37

I have some things of my own to share during this week (will try to spread them out a little!), but I wanted to start with a rec post, because sometimes I fear fandom memories are short and I would hate you guys to miss out on the classics. You'd probably guess that Fanged Four would be a good place to look for fics for this week. But just in case you don't get into the Anonymous section:

The Many Lives of William the Bloody
NC17, Fanged Four in various combinations, and ending with unrequited Spike/Buffy

The Many Loves takes Spike through from first moment of being sired to the end of season five, and the influences he falls under throughout. It's crammed with poetry and pain and deep angst, and is still often hilarious. It's one of those fics which you want to keep forever (seriously - every time my latest laptop dies, I copy this fic onto the new one, scared it will one day vanish from the internet).

Years later, while slightly drunk in a *ristorante* somewhere outside Rome, he tells me how they woke sometime that afternoon to find me laid out on the dining-room table. A violent argument soon erupted. Dru, classicist that she was, wanted me buried. She herself had not been buried (she had, I believe, awakened the next morning on a pile of dead nuns) and she blamed most of her mental and emotional problems on this singular fact. Angelus said he'd be damned (ironic, that) if she was going to bury that skinny little whelp in his rosebushes, and Darla just wanted the body off her dining-room table, NOW. I spend the subsequent century very glad that I slept through that particular conversation.


If you have other classic Fanged Four recs to share, you'd be welcome to link them here. If you want to start a Past Slayers rec thread, please do. Otherwise I think the comm may explode this week!

fanged four, recs

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