Story prompts weeks 9 - 12

Aug 16, 2008 00:31

More prompts!

Time to give you the next four prompts so that you have chance to get your thinking caps on if you would like to use them. We've had some marvellous entries so far and it looks like you're all having fun. What more could we ask for?

The Puppet Show

Prompt 1 - Snyder says that Buffy, Willow and Xander left school early the day before, and Buffy says they were fighting a demon. Presumably this wasn't Moloch. What happened?

Prompt 2 - How did Morgan and Sid become a double act? Where did they meet?

Prompt 3 - Sid says he knew a Korean Slayer back in the thirties. Rather well, as it transpires… so - what was her story?


Prompt 1 - Buffy says her father comes down for weekends sometimes. Tell us the story of one of those meetings.

Prompt 2 - Why was Xander chased by a clown at his 6th birthday party?

Prompt 3 - Willow's stage fright scene is from Madam Butterfly. Curiously, the words sung to her, in translation, are: "Child, from whose eyes the witchery is shining, now you are all my own."

Out of Mind, Out of Sight

Prompt 1 - How did Marcie Ross cope with being invisible, and what happened to her afterwards?

Prompt 2 - Where did Angel manage to find a copy of the Pergamum Codex? Wasn't it mislaid somewhere in the Middle Ages? Why, after the prophecy about Buffy is revealed - we don't seem to hear of the Codex again?

Prompt 3 - During Willow and Xander's 6th Grade field trip, something involving antlers and a deputy happened that still manages to crack them up today. What was it?

Prophecy Girl

Prompt 1 - We discover that Angel has a phone, and yet - we never saw him use it. What kind of calls might have been made - or received? And how did Giles get his number?

Prompt 2 - When the many-tentacled creature bursts out of the Hellmouth, the master says, 'Come forth, my child. Come into my world.'

Prompt 3 - At the end of the episode, everyone leaves to go to the Bronze. Did they have fun? What did they talk about? Did they get Giles to dance?

prompts, 109 the puppet show, 112 prophecy girl, 111 out of mind out of sight, 110 nightmares

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