Flash challenge 5: Two drabbles

Aug 15, 2008 21:47

There are so many lines in this one poem which reverberate in vampire terms. I’ve used just four of Dickinson's words here, but they make me shiver. Hope they chill you too…

Title: Transition
Rating: PG
Character: Collin-The Anointed One
Author: Bruttimabuoni
A/N: Written for flash challenge #5 at Phantasmagoria: an Emily Dickinson drabble



He is cold and quite alone. He senses this is not temporary. No one will ever come when he calls again. The metal on which he lies gives his skin its temperature. He is hollow.

He should be scared but is curious, poised on the edge of knowing. Something new is stirring, inviting. He doesn’t know what destiny means. But this is his.

“Did the bus crash? Why is it so dark? I’m hungry”

Steps forward into nothingness. There is no up, no down, no left nor right.

Nor wrong.

And with that thought, he ceased human nature.

OK, so I couldn’t resist another based on the first line of that poem. Apologies to ED, who meant these words quite differently.

Title: Second Bite at the Cherry
Rating: FRM
Characters: Darla, Angel
Author: Bruttimabuoni
A/N Written for flash challenge #5 at Phantasmagoria: an Emily Dickinson drabble

To know just how he suffered would be dear. My beautiful boy, such nobility in pain.

How he deserves that agony now. Vile treacherous abhorrence to his kind.

Yet I love to dwell on that bewildered horror as he understood his own foulness. One becomes terribly jaded, you know. After the first century, it takes so much more to thrill. One dabbles with a yawn amid rags of dismembered infants. It must be piquant to savour one’s worst deeds over again, sharper and bloodier seen through a soul’s prism.

Sometimes I wish I could share that suffering. What delicious torment.

105 never kill a boy on the first date, fiction

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