Fic recs: Spike, Dracula, and the Eleven Pounds

Mar 19, 2011 17:22

Here are a couple more short looks at the back story on that eleven pound debt Spike claims Dracula owes him. Share your own!

Title: Sound and Fury
Author: Caro
Rating: PG13
Summary: Spike and Drusilla are enjoying Paris in 1897, when he is induced to take a commission.

Follow the link to Sound and Fury

Title: Eleven Pound
Author: KarenBear
Rating: PG13 (with some strong language)
Summary: Spike explains the whole story to Xander one night at Willy’s, but since they are both smashed at the time, questions remain.

Eleven Pound can be found here and here

That last story indirectly led to a fun site that was new to me:
Blood and Beers - Alcoholic Fanfiction by Character
It's not arranged by episode, but that shouldn't stop you from finding something very silly anyway.

501 buffy vs dracula, fiction, recs

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