NEW SEASON OPENS! Episodes in Focus: Buffy vs Dracula and Judgment

Mar 13, 2011 17:27

Next week’s Episodes in Focus are Buffy vs Dracula and Judgment. Which means: new season love! Yes, we're moving on to season 5 BtVS and season 2 AtS. New characters, new arcs, new evil - and a few old enemies come rolling in too. We're incredibly excited, and we hope you are too! From Monday your time, get posting any art, fic, vids, recs, meta or anything else you want to share relating to one or both of our Episodes in Focus.

Episode in Focus: Buffy vs Dracula
Who's the last vampire you expected to turn up in Sunnydale? Dracula might be on your list - him with the bat transformations and the "special dirt". Spike doesn't like it. Xander kinda does (for a while). Anya gets all giggly, Giles worryingly snuggly. While Buffy gets all Slayer-y and in tune with her true nature. Wonder if that might be a theme in this season?

But the main lesson this week? Buffy vs Dracula: no contest.

Key quote:
XANDER: Where is he?? Where's the creep that turned me into his spider-eating man-bitch?
BUFFY: He's gone.
XANDER: Dammit! You know what? I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis. As of this moment, it's over. I'm finished being everybody's butt-monkey!
Giles, Riley, and Buffy nod and try to look solemn.
BUFFY: Check. No more butt-monkey.
RILEY: It coulda been worse. At least you weren't making time with the dracu-babes like Giles here.
GILES: I was not making time! I, I was, uh, just about to kill those, uh, loathsome creatures when Riley interrupted me. (Wrapping his torn shirt around himself)
Riley (grinning) You were gonna nuzzle 'em to death?
GILES: Of course not! I was in complete... (the others have walked off) control.


Episode in Focus: Judgment
Whoa! Who's the red-eyed monster in green? Got to be big new evil, right? Or not, though it'll be a time till we really get to know the Host. We also meet Merl, and again there's just a hint that maybe not all demons are 100% on the evil side. Plus Angel then kills another demon who's trying to protect a human… Shades of grey all over the place. Darla's recovering her strength as a human, and Angel is protecting a mystical pregnancy. Where might that go in future? Gunn meets Cordelia and Wesley - the gang's coming together. There's your average supernatural champions' jousting scene (Remember that word. We'll come back to it.) Lastly, a great little scene with Faith, who isn't forgotten, though we won't see her again for a long while.

Most important lesson of this episode, though? Angel sings Mandy. Because he kinda thinks it's pretty. Truly, the guy's got soul.

Key quote:
Wesley: "I'm beginning to think it was the sloth demon."
Cordy writing on board: "Sloth demons don't sacrifice adolescents, Wesley. It was a Carnyss. You I.D. it."
Wesley: "No, I don't mean the demon we killed last night. I mean the one we..."
Angel playing with some glass figurines Cordy has sitting on a shelf: "That was a nice gym."
Wesley: "...incinerated a month ago. I think that's what Wolfram and Hart raised in that box when Angel was fighting Vocah."
Angel: "The thing about a gym is that you're not alone. You've got people around. That encourages you to work out."
Cordy takes the glass figure away from him and sets it back on the shelf.
Cordy: "You don't have to work out. You're eternal."
Angel: "I may not always be."


Meanwhile, over at still_grrr, the month's theme is Mythology March. This week: Celtic or Norse mythology.

prompts, a201 judgment, 501 buffy vs dracula

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