Selection of My Own Multi-Season Fics

Mar 06, 2011 20:01

Pre-series fic:
Leather Apron: Murder on the Streets of White-chapel (Angelus/William, R)
(United Kingdom 1888)
A murderer has been terrorizing London's east end and its not William or Angelus for once.
Forests Made of Night (OC Slayer, R)
(Gerrmany 1728)
  She had survived the foe called childbirth, now she must defeat another in the dark of the forest.

Second Season
Made of Steam (Kendra, AR, R)

Kendra threw her tweed jacket on the nearest table, set with a calico cloth and bone china, before pulling out her pistols from their shoulder holsters.
Porphyria's Lover (Willow & Angel, AU, 26/26 complete)
(timeline breaks off after Innocence)
Angelus kidnaps Willow and Sunnydale will never be the same as the Scooby Gang goes up against the new Order of Aurelius.

Third Season/Pre-Angel: The Series
Running In Reno (DoyleVeruca, PG)
(pre-canon introduction)
Doyle and Veruca have themselves a pity party.

Fourth Season/Season One of Angel
Dry Earth and Brimstone (Faith/Drusilla, R, AU)
(Pre-Five by Five)
Under the desert moon, Drusilla seeks out Faith.
Iron Maiden (Kate, G) (post-The Prodigal)
Kate had fallen for his awkward, pretty man anti-charm in the nightclub.

EDIT: I should have been clearer in the subject line, these are my own fic that I have written but had missed out on posting here.

btvs season 4 catch-all, 214 innocence, btvs season 2 catch-all, a118 five by five, pre-series, a115 the prodigal

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