This week’s Episodes in Focus are Pangs and I Will Remember You. So we’re in one of only four AtS-era occasions when we see Buffy and Angel in one another’s worlds (one more this season in AtS, one in season five BtVS, one in season seven BtVS.). That *has* to be worth posting about! From Monday, your time, get sharing anything and everything based on these two - we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Episode in Focus: Pangs
It’s a ritual sacrifice: with pie! This is the episode that dares to raise the issue of Native Americans and the ethics of fighting angry representatives of an unjustly destroyed culture. And then... does it deliver on that issue? We’ll be interested to hear your views! Spike joins the Scoobies, in a reluctant sorta way; Angel comes to Sunnydale, but doesn't see Buffy; and Buffy makes a bear. (Also reluctantly.)
Key quote:
WILLOW If we could talk to him --
SPIKE You exterminated his race. What could you possibly say that would make him feel better? It's kill or be killed here. Take your bloody pick.
XANDER Maybe it's the syphilis talking, but some of that made sense.
GILES I made several of those points earlier, but that's fine, no one listens...
Theme prompt: Crossover
So this is one of the times when we see characters from BtVS and AtS walking into each other’s worlds. Do you like? Do you get confused, because you only watch one or the other? Do you think another character would make a way more exciting crossover? And if the last, have you written/drawn it and want to share?
Or else what if the Fang Gang and post-season 4 Scoobies were differently arranged? Giles and Willow head for LA? Doyle comes to UC Sunnydale? Kate joins SDPD? Think it, cross it, share it!
Episode in Focus: I Will Remember You
Oh boy. This is where AtS gets hardcore. Angel gets his perfect happy ending. Not just a Macguffin ring that can be stolen: mortality, Buffy, ice cream, the whole package. And he gives it back. And watches Buffy grieve for her loss and then forget it totally. Is that heroism or taking her choice away? Controversy reigns. But it's an episode so pivotal they named the ficathon for it (are you participating in this year’s
iwry_marathon? And if not, why not?). Not incidentally, this is where the Powers the Be and Angel’s mission really start to kick in.
Key quote:
Man: "What is done can not be undone."
Woman: "What is not yet done can be avoided."
Man: "Temporal folds are not to indulge at - the whims of lower beings."
Woman: "You are wrong. This one is willing to sacrifice every drop of human happiness and love he has ever known for another. He is not a lower being."
Man: "There is one way. But it is not to be undertaken lightly."
Woman: "We swallow this day, as though it had never happened. Twenty-four hours from the moment the demon first attacked you, we take it back."
Angel licks his lips: "Then none of this happened and Buffy and I.. What - what'll stop us from doing the exact same thing again?"
Woman: "You. You alone will carry the memory of this day. - Can you carry that burden?"
You still have a week's grace if you're late posting for The Initiative or Bachelor Party. We can always stand a little more of the good stuff!