In the process of pulling down my website and migrating everything to An Archive of their Own and my LJ, I found a few of the stories that would fit the Season 1-3 catch up (which older catch up stories is about all I have time for right now) Here's one of them.
Title - Collateral Damage
CornerofmadnessDisclaimer - Joss Whedon owns all
Time line- This is set BtVS S2 Between Lie to Me and What's My Line
Rating- FRM for violence
Pairing - B/A
Summary- Children are being murdered in Sunnydale and Buffy thinks Angel knows who's behind it
Author's Note #1- This was written for the Buffy ficathon. Requests: Would love to see a pre-season 3 BtVS with Dawn involved. Restrictions: No Angelus. Written for
evil_little_dog Author's Note#2- This story contains dark subjects and graphic crime scene descriptions. Thanks to
Leni_ba for editing this thing. I appreciate it!
Part One Part two