And now for something completely different...
Title: Becoming Kate
Author: NautiBitz
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9800
Character: Kate (from Angel), Faith, Willow, Buffy, William (Spike), Tara, Anya, Riley
Timeline: An AU twist on BtVS S2's 'Innocence' through 'Becoming'
Notes: Dubbed the "challenge from hell" at an old challenge site, I felt masochistic enough to give it a try: "An alternate-universe fic in which Faith is a vampire with a soul, Buffy is her grandchilde, Kate Lockley [the cop on Angel] is the slayer, and the rest of the characters are up to the author." Obviously, this is some crazy sh!t. And it's not my usual light fare. Please read warnings.
Kate Lockley doesn't cry.
As far as she knows, she never has -- not when she broke her ankle in the third grade; not when her mother died five autumns later; and not when, at sixteen, she learned she was chosen to save the world from vampires.
Slayers don't cry, Kate reminds herself. I don't cry.
But somehow, saline is miraculously welling in her eyes and sliding down her cheeks.
She wipes at it compulsively with the back of her hand and struggles to keep her voice steady. "I don't underst-- ...What are you saying?"
"I'm sayin' it was fun, K," the vampire breezes as she primps in front of the mirror, unfazed by her lack of reflection. "We had a good time. But I got places to do, so if you wanna call a cab..."
(Read the whole story here)