Title: Undone
Character: Giles
Rating: PG
Note: for
sentine, who fulfilled the great humus challenge for GD2 and gets a ficlet in return. She requested glasses and nostalgia. This is also set during Graduation Day 2.
Time to go. Giles picked up his glasses from their accustomed spot on his desk. He probably didn’t need them for the finale. But he felt naked without them. Facing Olvikan naked would add unnecessary discomfort.
So the glasses went onto his nose, and he looked through them. Rupert Giles surveying his domain for the final time. His library.
It was a pretty poor excuse for a library. A disappointment when he took up office, and little better now. He’d seen perhaps a hundred of the student body over the last three years. A few dedicated readers, and the bullied seeking escape, yes. But he’d never tried to attract more use; too much else on his mind; too much pressing need for a place to plan his Watcherly work. He’d let the library down, and the students too.
It had been his first ever library. And now he was going to kill it.
Giles stood on the Hellmouth for the last time, and wished his library goodbye.