Amends Fic: Beft Laid Planf

Mar 18, 2010 16:24

Title: Beft Laid Planf
Author: damnskippytoo
Genre: Humor, a little angst tossed in
Rating: PG
Characters: Cordelia with a guest appearance by her father
Spoilers: Set during BtVS "Amends"
Summary: Cordelia: Well, I'll be in Aspen. Skiing. With actual snow. --- Amends
A/N: Unbeta'd. All mistakes and sucky writing completely my fault.

Amends fic below. )

310 amends, fiction

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Comments 24

xlivvielockex March 18 2010, 20:43:12 UTC
You're such an evil bitch and I love you for it. LOL

I know you said you couldn't help screwing her over but that was just oh so mean! Especially when she has to face what is coming up. Couldn't even have one last nice vacation with snow and delicious truffles. Have to be cursed truffles. And omg, the whole curfed trifle. That made me laugh out loud.

I said it before, will say it again, evil bitch. :) (Then again, as long as you're writing again, you can be as evil as you want to me. You know I likes it!)


damnskippytoo March 18 2010, 21:00:30 UTC
Hey! You're first. :)

Yes, I am an evil, evil bitca. But as long as there's love, it's all good. Besides Cordy is one strong woman. She can take anything I could possibly toss at her. ::mwah::


a2zmom March 18 2010, 21:04:03 UTC
Poor Cordelia. She didn't deserve a vacation this bad! And now I'm wondering exactly who put the whammy on her.


damnskippytoo March 18 2010, 21:46:46 UTC
No, she didn't especially after all she's been through at this point.

And now I'm wondering exactly who put the whammy on her.

Good question. Sounds like an Ethan plan. ;)


thedothatgirl March 18 2010, 21:06:34 UTC
Delici0us tale - just like the truffles :)


damnskippytoo March 18 2010, 21:47:59 UTC
Thank you! *hands you a non-curfed truffle*


thedothatgirl March 19 2010, 09:10:31 UTC
thankf :)


brutti_ma_buoni March 18 2010, 21:33:15 UTC
Great fun (but not for Cordy, woe)!


damnskippytoo March 18 2010, 21:48:39 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it. And your icon is perfect. :D


samsom March 19 2010, 01:27:32 UTC
That's sucky writing?? Pfft.

Your ability to describe without being all purple prosy is awesome. I was seriously envying Cordy by the time she got out of her bath, no lie. This is a great fic, and really, if the only thing that happened is that she accidently transferred snow from Aspen to Sunnydale and has to cut her vacation short, it's still better than getting screwed over and rebarred.

And I love her inner thoughts about the Scoobies. Some might get all weepy and pathetic over getting cheated on, but not Cordelia. She gets mean, lol. I really love that and I think you give incredibly good Cordelia.

So I hope this means we'll be seeing more of your sucky writing, then, right? *g*


damnskippytoo March 19 2010, 01:43:58 UTC
Some might get all weepy and pathetic over getting cheated on, but not Cordelia. She gets mean, lol.

And to think some people don't like that about her. Are they crazy? :D Would they prefer she sit and whine and be all mopey? Well, I guess they would, but then we'd have a whole show full of whiners and mopers. How boring. LOL!

As for writing more, who knows? I live in the moment these days. *hugs you*


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