Catch-up Prophecy Girl Fic: More Deaths than One

Feb 21, 2010 15:57

Title More Deaths than One
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG
Word Count ~700
Prompt Originally for a crossover prompt at still_grrr. The crossover is with Tru Calling, but the focus is totally BtVS!
Characters/Pairing (if any) Buffy, Tru Davies

“Dammit, they said this place was full of freaks.” Tru couldn’t believe the idiot who’d shoved past her, ignoring her existence as though he was king of the realm and not a weirdo in a Halloween mask. In May.

It was bad enough a crappy flyer had already convinced her to visit these caverns. Which were totally lame, no rock formations, not even any kitschy tourist junk to laugh at. Was it a scam? She couldn’t see the benefit. Total waste of time. Maybe that was what had Mask-Man so furious. It would be nice to think someone else had fallen for the trick. This place was depressingly empty otherwise.

Except… now there were voices behind her, two anxious male voices calling out, “Buffy? You there, Buffy? What happened? The Master just passed us…”

And now Tru was pretty certain she knew how this was going to go. Life just loved to throw these situations at her. She moved in the direction the weirdo (Master? Seriously?) had just come from, looking out for trouble. Damn sure she was going to find it. The worried voices continued behind her, echoing around the complicated series of caverns as the men picked their way onwards.

“Xander…we need to be careful. We don’t know what went on here, but something‘s …happened. I wish you’d have come to me earlier.” This voice was quiet, but tense. Tru knew the feeling. The technical term was ‘impending doom’.

“Couldn’t find you, Angel, oh elusive one. Giles got a bad knock on the head, didn‘t make a lot of sense when we tried to get your address out of him.” The second voice was younger, angrier. Tru was pretty confident voice #2 disliked #1 quite a lot. But she filed that for what she was increasingly sure was going to be future reference, and moved forwards into the gloomy cavern.

Yep. Doom was no longer impending. There was a pool, and a girl lying face down in it. Beautiful white prom dress didn’t belong in this situation. Not that fashion explanations were high on the priority list right now. Tru hastily hauled her out of the water, and began CPR, but the girl was heavily cyanotic and she couldn’t rate her survival chances as high.

Breathe, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, breathe. How long could she keep going? Would the approaching guys be able to help out?

Didn’t matter. Something flickered in the limp body beneath Tru’s hands. She felt a great rush of power radiating from the corpse. Blue eyes snapped open. “Save me,” said the girl. And Tru was dragged backwards in time once more. Not before the dead girl added a rider. “Save the world.”




Okay. That was odd. But saving one person was what Tru knew. She had to trust the world would take care of itself.

What do we know? Buffy. Young. Should be in school. Xander. Angel. Giles. Unusual names. Must be able to work with that.

It wasn’t too difficult, even amid the major murder investigation which turned out to be ongoing in Buffy‘s school. Tru eased their paths as much as possible. It helped that these people were obviously used to strangers turning up and offering mysterious advice - something was very odd about the little gang, though no one seemed to want to spill the beans to Tru that day. And asking about 'the Master' got her nothing but blank looks and laughter. Not a local celebrity, it seemed.

Still, her preparations went pretty well. Connections were made. Contact details exchanged, even for the mysterious Angel. Xander learnt a few techniques for dealing with head injury sufferers, to ensure Giles could pass on the information quickly. Everything fell out neatly and there would have been plenty of time.


That should have worked, but she still died. And then she lived again. It’s like something changed because Buffy died, and maybe the world needed that to happen. Wonder what we just started?

There was some kind of fight now in the school, round about the library. But Tru wasn’t stopping to find out what was going down. Sunnydale was way too weird for her.

112 prophecy girl, fiction

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