Season two quotes

Aug 10, 2009 19:32

Some one has just pushed my guilt button...*again!* (narrows eyes)

What's My Line Part 1

Buffy: Just dropping by for some quality time with Mr. Gordo?

Word count 100

Child-like Things

Angel is alone in her room and he feels as if he is at the centre of her universe. The objects on her desk, the makeup on her dresser and a fat little pig that begs to be picked up, has his fingers trailing over them, touching them. He wonders if Buffy knows he drinks the blood of pigs as his hands enfold her favourite pig. He knows she prefers the creature: her scent is strongest here. He pushes his nose into its softness and inhales: perfume and power.  She has not put aside all child-like things.  He smiles, charmed.

209-210 what's my line, fiction

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