Season two quotables: dirty drabbles

Aug 04, 2009 21:26

Let's lower the tone a smidge...

Prompt: Passion - Angelus: And as a guest,if there's anything I can do for you... Any... responsibility I can assume while you're spinning your wheels... Anything I'm not already doing, that is.
Title: Whispers into his pillow
Rating: PG13 [language, adult references]
Characters: Spike, Angelus/Dru implied
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fiction, 215 phases, 217 passion

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Comments 15

velvetwhip August 4 2009, 20:37:46 UTC
These are excellent. Love your take on Larry.



brutti_ma_buoni August 4 2009, 20:59:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad he worked it out in the end though.


a2zmom August 4 2009, 20:46:51 UTC
Tried it on with Darla once. Still have the scar.

Spike, you never learn.

And Larry made me crack up.


brutti_ma_buoni August 4 2009, 21:00:33 UTC
Hee! Somehow I don't see Spike/Darla at all - and considering some of the combinations I've written, that says a lot.


catko August 4 2009, 20:47:53 UTC
Ooooh. Quite sexy, very fun. You really got the voices just right. And ... other things. :)


brutti_ma_buoni August 4 2009, 21:00:48 UTC
Hee! Thank you.


rebcake August 4 2009, 20:56:44 UTC
Not you, my precious pearl. You wouldn’t be so cruel... oh fuck it. Yes you would.

Nicely perfect. (Is such a thing possible?)

Your other dirty drabbles from writercon100 were read aloud at Writercon and enjoyed by all. Keep it up, if ya know what I mean.


brutti_ma_buoni August 4 2009, 21:02:33 UTC
Thanks! (I knew antennapedia read one. Now I'm trying desperately to remember what else I wrote - I did a lot of drabbles for that. Eek!)


rebcake August 4 2009, 21:10:44 UTC
I think they read 'em all! At least, the dirty ones. *fans self*


thismaz August 5 2009, 05:03:07 UTC
That last line from Spike mad me smile, but I love those last two lines from Larry. Wonderful!


brutti_ma_buoni August 5 2009, 17:56:26 UTC
hee! Thanks - glad you enjoyed them.


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