Drabble: The Slayer

Jul 15, 2008 04:31

Been wanting to post something to this comm since it started but I had food poisioning last week so that was out. :| So this time round I come bearing my first drabble in this fandom.

Title: The Slayer
Author: Rae
Rating: G
Character: Buffy
Summary: There's something about being the slayer even Buffy can't deny. 
W/C: 100

Death. It calls and sings in her blood.

More, it demands.

Even with a vampire’s hands around her throat, Buffy’s body thrums with energy.

Come on then bad boy. Do it.

Lowered into unconsciousness, it barely contains the shouts calling through Buffy’s ears.

NO! Fight - Win - Live.

Head thrown back, connecting with hard bone, there is a satisfaction as it cracks -- because it’s sure as hell no fun if you lose.

It’s this moment when Buffy feels alive. When it’s a flick of the hand and she could be dead.

Chosen - Fighter - Slayer.

Got it?

102 the harvest, fiction

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