it's time for a shiny, lemony fresh, brand new start.

Dec 14, 2009 07:45

I am currently in the process of completely gutting this place, and starting over.

It has been about three years since I've been here, but I'm coming back. I've had a yearning to blog for some time now, and I knew this is where I could find salvation. I'm a changed person. I've read some of these past entries and sigh. I laugh too, but first it's that sigh of embarrassment, with some regret. I view myself, through these past entries, as disgusting. It's hard for me to read many of them. I'm going to go through one by one, and set all of my past entries to private. I do not have the heart to delete them in their entirety, but I think setting them to private is the best way for me to feel more relaxed and content about it.

In spite of all this, it's nice to be back, LJ.


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