Work & Stuff.

Mar 02, 2006 04:34

This dude I work with started hitting on me the other day, and we eventually got to the point where (I know this sounds strange) we were talking about drugs and certain other things. I didn't feel comfortable talking about this stuff at work. I told him that .. so he called me an L7.

So I took him to dry storage and we made-out.

No, I'm kidding. lol. But I did proceed to tell him that my Will & Grace show beats out his OC show any day. Mmm hmm. *snaps* XD He eventually agreed.

*sigh* I'm bored .. and tired. Tired and bored. It's really a good combination!

Ohhhh. I'm going to California ... to see Megan Mullally's concert in APRILLLLLLLLL!! I'm so excited you have no idea. I get to stay in California for a couple weeks afterwards too. SCORE. I'm gonna turn into a photo-whore like I do every summer - although since I'm going to California I get to become one sooner ;) Yeah. I can't wait! How cool would it be to meet Megan and get lots of photos with her? Haha. Very cool.
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