Aug 14, 2007 14:07
Hi folks. Long time no post. Here's what's on my mind:
1) This project isn't over. I just haven't decided where to continue it yet, or if it can still continue in some form on LJ. I'd really rather not, considering the fan-unfriendly atmosphere. InsaneJournal looks promising. But I'm somewhat leaning toward seriously trying to set up a good website (as opposed to the dinky, barely-used one I've got up now). Anyway, I'm still thinking. I'll update again here when I've decided.
2) I'm double-checking old survey posts to make sure I have a hard copy and an electronic copy for each. If you're one of those stealthy folks who made a fanstudy journal, filled it out, and then never commented, now'd be the time.
3) Thanks again to everyone for all your time/thoughts/participation. In spite of my inexperience at the time, I'm glad I started this project when I did, because I got a snapshot of LJ-based fandom when it was flourishing, when it was feeling at home and content. Good to know there are other places on the 'net where that's still possible.