HPFS Report - Survey 2 Summary

Feb 15, 2007 18:47

I'm going to post summaries of all 4 surveys before I further analyze the relationships between them.

Also, a new (separate but related) survey project is upcoming. I'll post more information on that sometime in the coming weeks.

When you became a fan...

Year - Everyone knew the year they became a fan of the HP series.

Fan Year # %

1999 46 29.5

2001 32 20.5

2000 28 17.9

2002 15 9.6

1998 13 8.3

2003 9 5.8

2004 9 5.8

1997 3 1.9

2005 1 0.6

Total 156 100

Season - 46 of 156 knew the season or general time of year

Fan Season # %

No answer 110 70.5

Summer 19 12.2

Fall 12 7.7

Winter 11 7.1

Spring 4 2.6

Total 156 100

Month - 39 of 156 knew the month

Fan Month # %

November 9 5.8

July 7 4.5

January 6 3.8

June 6 3.8

February 3 1.9

August 2 1.3

December 2 1.3

March 1 0.6

April 1 0.6

May 1 0.6

October 1 0.6

No answer 117 75

Total 156 100

Exact day of the month - 2 of 156 knew the exact day.

Exact Day # %

November 15, 2001 1 0.6

May 19, 2002 1 0.6

no answer 154 98.7

Total 156 100

When you began fannish involvement...

Year - 155 of 156 knew the year they began their fannish involvement.

Several people became involved with the fandom before they considered themselves to be fans.

Fandom Year # %

2003 41 26.3

2004 31 19.9

2002 28 17.9

2000 20 12.8

2001 19 12.2

2005 12 7.7

1999 3 1.9

1998 1 .6

No answer 1 .6

Total 156 100

Season - 58 of 156 knew the season or general time of year they began their fannish involvement.

Fandom Season # %

Winter 23 14.7

Summer 15 9.6

Fall 11 7.1

Spring 9 5.8

No answer 98 62.8

Total 156 100

Month - 49 of 156 knew the month

Fandom Month # %

February 10 6.4

January 6 3.8

June 6 3.8

March 5 3.2

July 5 3.2

April 4 2.6

December 4 2.6

September 3 1.9

May 2 1.3

August 1 0.6

October 1 0.6

No answer 107 68.6

Total 156 100

Exact day - 1 of 156 people knew the exact day

One participant became a fan and became involved with fandom on the same day.

Exact Day # %

May 19, 2002 1 0.6

no answer 155 99.3

Total 156 100

How were you introduced to the HP fandom?

Fandom Introduction # %

Internet 88 56.4

Friend 35 22.4

Other fandom 15 9.6

Offline media 4 2.6

Uncertain 4 2.6

Sibling 3 1.9

Other 3 1.9

Child 1 0.6

Significant other 1 0.6

No answer 2 1.3

Total 156 100

Details/specifics of intro...

Introduction Detail # %

Fanfic 94 60.3

Message board 7 4.5

Info search 6 3.8

RPG 3 1.9

General fansite 1 0.6

None 45 28.8

Total 156 100

What others fandoms helped to lead you to the HP fandom?

Gateway Fandoms # %

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5 3.2

Lord of the Rings 5 3.2

Firefly 1 0.6

Sailor Moon 1 0.6

Star Trek 1 0.6

Star Wars 1 0.6

Tamora Pierce books 1 0.6

None 141 90.4

Total 156 100

Related websites - there were 60 mentions of them. Here are the top 4.

Related Websites # %

Fanfiction.net 23 14.7

Unspecified LiveJournal 11 7.1

Fiction Alley 6 3.8

Mugglenet 3 1.9

Other 17 10.8

None 96 61.5

Total 156 100

Did you see one of the movies or read one of the books first?

Which first? # %

Book 131 84

Movie 25 16

Total 156 100

Favorite HP book (of those released so far)?

Top ten favorites. There were several two- and three-way ties, so I included them.

Favorite book(s) # %

Prisoner of Azkaban 44 28.2

Half-Blood Prince 24 15.4

Goblet of Fire 15 9.6

Order of the Phoenix 15 9.6

PoA/HBP 14 9

Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone 5 3.2

GoF/HBP 5 3.2

PoA/OotP/HBP 4 2.6

OotP/HBP 4 2.6

PoA/GoF 4 2.6

PoA/OotP 4 2.6

other 18 11.5

Total 156 100

Favorite HP movie?

This one is a bit uneven on account of the release of GoF. Out of the 20 people who took the survey after GoF was released, 5 participants listed it as their favorite.

Favorite Movie # %

Prisoner of Azkaban 93 59.6

Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone 19 12.2

Chamber of Secrets 17 10.9

Goblet of Fire 5 3.2

SS/PS and PoA tie 2 1.3

CoS and PoA tie 1 0.6

none/undecided 20 12.8

Total 156 100

Do you prefer the books or the movies?

Books or Movies? # %

Book 144 92.3

Movies 4 2.6

They don't compare/Other 8 5.1

Total 156 100

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