Title: Why does the rabbit always get screwed in the deal?
Rating: g
Characters: Dean, Mary, John.
Word Count: 150
Prompt: A recent conversation with
dizzojay regarding a possible origin for Dean's soft spot for bunnies.
“Snowy got sick because our yard was too small,” Mary explained. “So, we took him to live on a big farm where he’ll have lots of room to hop about, and he can eat fresh carrots and lettuce straight from the fields. He’ll be happier there. Do you understand?”
Tears welled in Dean’s eyes and his lips trembled, but he nodded. “Yes, Mommy. I want Snowy to be h - happy”.
Sweeping back her little boy’s bangs, she kissed his forehead and tucked him into his bed. “That’s my brave boy.”
John was wiping earth from his hands when she joined him at the back of the yard. Gazing at the sad little mound hidden behind the tree, she wondered “should we have told him the truth?”
John shook his head. “I think he’s too young to understand about dying,” he said. “It’s only been three months since he turned four.”