Submissions Post #17

May 29, 2006 19:21

Submissions Post #17

Submit your snaps for next week here.
Submissions Post closes on Sunday June 3, 2006.
Please remember to reply anonymously and with the links only

Sidenote: If you use please use the "link" option and not the "url" option. I ask this of you because I transload all the snaps from tinypic to the snaps photobucket account prior to posting them, and if you send me the "url," I have to save the snap to my computer and then upload it. Basically it's just a time saver for me. :D Thanks in advance!


When submitting snaps please, please, PLEASE ensure they're under 500x500 pixels. I can not stress this enough, and because I hate not posting snaps I'll make this exception ONE more time. BUT from here on out I will NOT post snaps outside those dimensions. If you have any questions feel free to contact us, and refer to the community info page for all rules. There aren't that many, so I don't think it should be that hard to follow them. Thanks for your cooperation.

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