Somarium ♚ Profile

May 05, 2021 09:38

[Character Name] Kallen Kōzuki (Kouzuki)
[Canon] Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
[Point Taken from Canon] Post R2

[Age] 18
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Red
[Height] 5'6" (?)
[Other] N/A
[Clothing] CLICK!

Up in hurr

Kallen has a very impressive resume of traits, all of which vary and blur between two distinct personas. She is brash and driven by emotion, slightly arrogant in her skill, intensely loyal to those worthy of loyalty, and steadfast in decision and action. Despite all this, she has moments of kindness, obvious bouts of jealousy, girlish naivety, and fits of bashfulness. Two personas: that of a Black Knight, a practical, battle hardened terrorist and that of a normal eighteen-year-old girl.

Those who fight with purpose and emotion ultimately come out on top, because purpose and emotion lead to dedication and strength. This speaks true for Kallen, as she is not only powerful on the battlefield, but also powerful in all of her convictions as a whole. She is dedicated to her cause, as it strikes a deeply emotional string. She fights for justice and liberation, as she holds a firm belief in them, and fights to protect those that she loves above all else. Emotions carry her, but they also hinder, as her convictions tend to over power rationality. Should the situation be dire, should an enemy be within her grasp, or should someone she holds dear be in danger, Kallen will rush into things without thought or proper preparation.

This can be tied in with the slight arrogance in her abilities and skills. She rushes into situations headstrong and confident, even when the odds don’t balance, and still believes that she could win, or at least cause ample damage to the opposition. This makes her seem reckless, and in truth she really is. That being said, it would be only human for someone who does hold such natural talent to have his or her strengths inflated.

Her fierce loyalty speaks volumes here as well, as her brash behaviour can also be linked back to this. Kallen is loyal to the point where she would sacrifice everything, even her own life, for Zero (or rather, Lelouch). While at first she may question the motives of those in command, or doubt their trustworthiness, she can eventually be swayed, and then become a loyal and dedicated partner, subordinate, and friend. She is strong willed in her dedications, and unwavering in her choice to follow through with orders. This is why fragments of her loyalty remain for Lelouch, even after he supposedly betrays her and the others and even after the Zero Requiem.

Most of her more humane qualities are displayed outside of combat, in situations that are less somber and more casual. She can be very kind and considerate to people, if they manage to remain on her good side. On occasion, she is shown genuinely smiling to her classmates at Ashford Academy and helping members of the Black Knights and showing concern toward their actions. She even displays inner turmoil when faced with the harm or mistreatment of Elevens, and would act openly in their favour were she given the choice. Even the mistreatment of Britannian citizens irks her to an extent, especially in the case of the students at the Academy.

She is quite obviously jealous of several things though, despite constant denial. She holds feelings for Lelouch, and when others (namely C.C) openly question her about it, or state that they, too, hold something similar, then she reacts rather angrily and at points somewhat childishly. She reacts in a similar way when things are kept from her, things that she believes she has every right to know. She is frequently left in the dark about many things, and that fact is almost always presented openly to her. Zero’s true identity, Lelouch’s true objectives… these things are and were hidden in plain sight and she knows that. Kallen doesn’t like being lied to, being used and not being trusted.

She also doesn’t like being caught in embarrassing situations, but it still always manages to happen. Being constantly involved in immodest positions and situations just happens to be another of her natural talents. Whether it be falling over a companion and being found in a mess of accidentally tangled limbs or being caught naked, in a towel or in inappropriate outfits, it just seems unavoidable for Kallen. She reacts angrily, blushes and squeals, and even sometimes shrieks when this happens. When she’s made fun of (again, the culprit is usually C.C) she blushes and reacts negatively. She even acts naively in situations involving love, like any typical girl her age would.

Kallen is a girl thrust into a life of rebellion, and thus carries the attributes needed to be strong as well as the ones required to still be human.

Kallen is quit formidable. She’s known, amongst both allies and enemies, as a talented and fierce Knightmare pilot. She is even recognized by Lelouch as the ‘queen’ in terms of chess pieces, and the queen is the most valuable asset to the successful completion of a game, or in his case a strategy.

She also displays the ability to adapt quickly and to act resourcefully in situations that require her to do so. Whether it is in a Knightmare Frame, or in hand to hand combat, she can quite literally kick ass. Quick reflexes, basic martial arts, impressive physical strength, and a handy knife-pouch to boot. She is by no means defenseless.

She is also quite intelligent, as she is able to still maintain above average grades despite nearly constant absence.

Kissing, hugging, flirting, and anything in between will be more than likely met with fluster responses including, and not limited to, slaps across the face and horrible blushing.

Kallen is still human, but she can kick ass should she need to. Feel free to start a fight with her, but let's plot it out mmk?

[Other Permissions]
Everything is fine, with the exception of fourth walling. When in doubt, contact me!

[Other Facts]
Big boobs.

somarium, occ, profile
