Not only is the coronavirus going around, so is this meme! I've so far been virus-free, but I caught the meme.
When was the last time you left your home?
On March 9, I went to 3737 Market Street for a mammogram. Since then I've gone no further than to walk around the grounds of my apartment complex. I've never needed to come with in six feet of anyone on my walks, and nobody shares an elevator anymore.
What was the last thing you bought?
Yesterday I had groceries delivered from Whole Foods. That wouldn't be memorable except that on Sunday I had an even larger order of groceries delivered from Whole Foods. When I got Sunday's order, I realized I forgotten to get a six-pack of salmon fillets ($27.00) which I very much wanted so...with very little effort, I managed to come up with enough other items to bring the cost of the order up over $40 so that I got free delivery for that order too. COVID-19 has in no way impacted my ability to go on-line and buy stuff. A lot of stuff.
Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
I'm doing okay. I have a comfy apartment, plenty of food on hand (heh!), a couple of dozen books in my TBR pile, a TV with a screen only slightly smaller than the screens in the movie theaters of my childhood, and subscriptions to Netflix, HBO, Hulu, and heaven knows what else. I'm also somewhere on the introvert spectrum and have a naturally phlegmatic temperment. As I said....
Who are you spending quarantine with?
I'm on my own.
Do you have pets to keep you company?
What are your current responsibilities?
I keep my apartment clean and mostly tidy. I have an en suite washer and dryer; I do my laundry. I cook or, if I feel guilty about not supporting local restaurants, I order out. However, my most important responsibility is self-care: not being a burden on my children.
Do you have a room to yourself?
I have 772 sq. ft. to myself. I'm a lucky duck.
Are you exercising?
Oy! Not nearly enough. I should walk at least 2,000 steps a day; my average is closer to half that. About once a week I have a day where I don't hit 500.
Town, country, city?
City but right in the midst of one of Philadelphia's parks. Nice.
How’s your toilet paper supply?
That's a potential problem. I'm down to my last three rolls. I can order more through Amazon, but they want to send me bulk orders. I also need tissues and Bona for my floors. I plan on dealing with that tomorrow.
What’s the worst thing that you had to cancel?
I was supposed to finish up getting an implant in my upper right jaw where I had to have two teeth pulled. Both the dental practices involved in this process aren't taking patients yet, and that's just fine with me. Once they do want to reschedule that appointment, I'm not sure I'll feel comfortable getting in a dentist's chair and opening my mouth wide. That's one thing you can't do while wearing a mask.
What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
I was supposed to fly to Istambul on (I think) 12 May for a cruise along the Greek coast to Athens. That's been postponed until 2021, but I don't know that even then I'll feel comfortable flying or cruising on a smallish boat. We'll see. I love to travel, but I've done a lot. Starting in November 2018, I went cruises to Panama, the Rhone in France, the Caribbean, and Norway. I think any travel I do in the future will be small ball: a trip to the Jersey shore by car, maybe the Poconos, that sort of thing. (That's not a complaint, either.)
Who do you miss the most?
Hugs and squeezes from my family: John, Alan, Pam, Olga, and especially Samantha.
Do you have any new hobbies?
No, but I'm spending more time on my old ones: blogging here, needlepointing, reading, and watching movies.
What are you watching the most?
Alas, MSNBC. I am a news junkie. It's sad.
Are you still going to work?
No. I fully retired in 2007.
What are you out of?
As I said, toilet paper but I'm pretty sure I can remedy that before the situation goes to s**t.
Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
No, but Mother Nature has. It was short, thin and limp. Now it's longer, thin, and limp. Not good.