Mar 15, 2020 21:17
Tomorrow it will be one week since I hunkered down in my apartment. So far I'm feeling fine.
Friday, 6 March, my son John picked up my sister from her apartment in Barrington, NJ, and dropped her off. Debbie stayed until Sunday morning, 8 March, and we had out usual riotous visit. That is, we sat on the couch and watched movies (Parasite and Once Upon a Hollywood), we ordered out for dinner, and Debbie caught up on the current season of Gray's Anatomy while I played around on the internet. No hugging or kissing occurred, not even on John's brief visits.
On Monday, 9 March, I took a ride share to 3737 Market Street for a mammogram, then took a second ride share to Whole Foods and did a small food shopping. Whole Foods at noon on a Monday was pretty darn empty so I didn't have close interactions with anybody. I caught a third ride share home. Looking back, this is an excursion I could have cancelled or postponed.
Since then, I've only been out of my apartment within the apartment complex. I've gone down to the mail room almost every day to either mail packages or pick them up, and I've gone down to the convenience store two or three times, mostly to buy milk or other small items. I always go during working hours, and I am often the only person in the store besides a clerk and a deli man, neither of whom I am ever up close and personal with. Once I picked up a sweater from the dry cleaner.
I did touch many surfaces on these trips, so I could have put myself in harm's way. I wasn't conscientious about not touching my face until I'd washed my hands, nor was I good about scrubbing my hands as soon as I got in the door. Before I go out again, I'm going to put bandaids on my fingers to remind me not to touch my face, and when I get home, I'll be greeted by a sign telling me to wash my hands immediately.
I'd like to buy alcohol wipes but, predictably, Amazon is out of all possible permutations of what I want. Good old soap and water will work fine for my hands. As far as putting groceries away and opening things I bought on the internet, sheer laziness has been helpful in making those activities safer. I picked up three packages Friday and let them sit for almost a day before opening them; I was even slow to put my groceries away after they were delivered. While everything sat out, the virus deecayed. Go virus! FanSee