1 November 2019: Feeling Punk

Nov 01, 2019 16:25

Slept poorly last night with the usual results: I am tired, draggy, and disorganized. Staying on task...any task, no matter how routine and ordinary...is difficult and rarely successful. What follows is a list of what I have accomplished so far today:

1. I got dressed. I gave serious consideration to making this a pajama day, but decided against it. I'm not sure why.

2. I got down on the floor and got up again. Once was enough. I got all the way up again but was unsure I could do it again.

Pause to figure out what to do next.

3. I made four days' worth of steel-cut oats and ate one for breakfast. I also had a cup of coffee (French press.) I love my breakfasts and they often jolt me out of my morning slump. No jolt occurred today.

Another pause.

4. I loaded the dishwasher and turned it on.

5. I cleaned up last night's griddle which was soaking in the sink and washed my French press.


6. Talked to my sister Debbie. She called me.

Lengthy, unproductive pause.

6. I threw away elderly celery, lettuce, a completely decayed cucumber, and the remnants of some deli coleslaw. I washed out the deli container the coleslaw came in so I could throw it out and not have it start to smell.

7. I went on line with Whole Foods and ordered 23 items, including a cucumber, lettuce, celery, shampoo, Eat Pizza three cheese pizza (one of which is dinner tonight), and two packages of Pretzel Cowboy cookies (highly recommended).

Pause to go to Amazon and check when my order will be delivered. Yikes, it's been delivered already. I hope to hell it hasn't been left in the unlocked lobby on the first floor. Nope, it's right outside my door...leaning on my door, actually. Why doesn't the delivery person just knock? Now I'm pausing at length to unpack six bags, some fuller than others.

8. After entering my order, I started stripping my bed and put the top sheet and the pillowcases in the washer. I'll wash the bottom sheet later today, along with my jammies and other cotton garments.

9. I finished off some elderly grapes...still quite tasty...and read two chapters in my current book, "That Is How It Always Is."

10. Decided if I was going to post today, now was the time. Shortly after I sat down, my son Alan called wanting to know when I wanted to go see David tomorrow. I called David. He sounded very hoarse which, combined with how slowly he talks, made him even more difficult to understand than usual. He wants us to be there for his o.t. between 2:00 and 3:00 and to bring him a 19 oz bottle of diet orange soda or diet 7-Up. I called Alan back, and he said he'd pick me up at noon tomorrow.

Go back to #7.

Now I'm going to finish putting away my non-perishables, get the six bags ready for recycling, then I think I'll read my book until I'm ready to eat. I plan not to eat just one of my Pretzel Cowboy cookies while I read. Probably will put both packages in the freezer, in hopes that having to thaw before eating will be a deterrant. FanSee

november, poor sleep, whole foods, 2019, cowboy pretzel cookies, delivery

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