28 March 2019: The Mueller unReport

Mar 28, 2019 21:57

Here it is Thursday, and I haven't posted since Saturday...almost a week. Two reasons: my life has been uneventful, and my mood has been dreary. I've been discouraged by the release of the Mueller report...or, as I said in my Subject line...the unreport. Bill Barr, our esteemed Attorney General, has released an uninformative four page summary of what I'm sure is a voluminous treatise describing what Trump has done to undermine the rule of law. I can't help but be disappointed in this very flat outcome of almost two full years of drama.

I understand that Ken Starr's final report on his investigation of Bill Clinton was not released for forty years. If Mueller's report takes that long, anyone now over the age of 60 will never get a glimpse of it. I for one would dearly love to read every technical and boring page of it even though Trump will not. I feel certain that Trump has not read Barr's summary in its entirety and that when the full report is issued, he won't read that either. As long as he has some basis to say he has been exonerated, he's happy. For him, that's it; no need to delve any deeper. My mind is officially boggled!

Oh well, life goes on...somewhat improved by Trump's efforts to kill the ACA. We have, in my estimation, an economy ripe for a downturn. If Trump is successful in severely damaging the ACA, we will find ourselves in an awful recession, and he will not be reelected. I don't think he will be successful in his efforts to shut down the ACA, and I can't wish for him to succeed because of the suffering that would cause, but the thought that he too would suffer is a silver lining to a very dark cloud. FanSee

aca, 2019, trump, mueller report, march

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