Something's comin', something good...

Oct 01, 2017 17:37

And that something is moving day for Samantha: October 14th! In typical Philadelphia fashion, she has decided to move around the corner from where she has lived for the past eleven-plus years. Where the Society Hill Playhouse used to stand...

This is the Playhouse in younger, more prosperous days.

...there is now a three-story apartment building, almost complete and ready for tenants. Samantha must be one of the first move-ins.

Last Wednesday, she took me along to help her measure her new space.

She will be on the third floor with a view, mostly, of the row houses across a pedestrian alley. You enter the apartment and are in a long hallway:

At the end of the hallway is the living-room-dining-room-kitchen:

Her reaction to this wall of cabinets: "I don't have enough stuff to fill half of them." In a kindly tone, I explained that possessions expand to fill the space available, but I don't think she believed me.

When we measured, we found that the distance between the kitchen and the opposite wall is wide enough to accommodate an 80" couch. The room is a very nice size, in fact. It's also long enough that, after she positions the couch a comfortable distance from a TV, she'll still have room for a table and chairs.

This is the bedroom:

While it's hard to show dimensions in a featureless room, when we measured, we determined that she can fit in her queen-sized bed, her desk, and her bureaus. The open door leads into a closet that I remember as being adequate, but Samantha does not think is big enough to accommodate both her clothes and her sports equipment. She may have to buy some sort of storage just for her equipment, of which there is much.

Finally, her bathroom: quite adequate. No tub, but since she never, ever uses the tub on our second floor, I don't think she cares about that.

On Thursday, we are all off to Nashville, Tennessee, for a long weekend. We equals me, John, Pam, Olga, Alan, and Samantha. Since her move-in date is the Saturday after we get back, she's feeling pressure to get all her ducks in a row. She seems to me to be doing just fine: electricity to be turned on the day she moves, internet to be turned on the next day, movers hired, and packing started.

That packing slops over onto my To Do list. This weekend she routed all of this to be sorted and given to the AIDS Thrift Shop:

Item: A hamper full of shoes.
Item: A trash bag full of clothes.
Item: A trash bag half full of clothes, etc., she thinks I can sell
Item: Two boxes of clothes she never wore, still with their tags on.
Item: A big box containing boots she has never worn.

It's good for me to keep busy, right? FanSee

2017, september, samantha, moving, the bradford

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