Jun 16, 2017 17:35
1. Have you ever been to summer camp?
I grew up in places and at times (California and Arkansas in the 1940s) when summer camp was unheard of by anybody I knew. However, from 1947 until the summer of 1950, I went to a summer school run by the University of Arkansas for six weeks every summer, five days a week, 9:00 to 1:00. Unbeknownst to us, we were there for student teachers to observe through those big mirrors in our classroom.
2. If so, was it fun or did you hate it?
Summer school was wonderful. Each summer we did a special project; one year we studied the Arkansas Indians and modeled an Indian village out of papier mache on a six-foot square board. Another summer we studied the Ozark culture and crafts, and one summer we read A Door in the Wall and learned about troubadours and medieval England. Every year we learned to read music and sing, and we had Phys Ed a couple of times a week. I got all the enrichment in summer school that was mostly missing in grade school in Arkansas in the 1940s.
3. If not, did you ever wish you had?
You don't miss what you don't know exists.
4. What movie says "Summer Time" to you?
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. I know I saw it in the summertime, because I walked to the theater barefoot, carrying my sandals. You weren't allowed in the theater without shoes on. The movie made a huge impression on me: scared me half to death.
5. Did movies like "Friday the 13th" put you off summer camp?
'Way after my time. I still haven't seen it. FanSee
friday five,