Dec 16, 2016 23:22
1. Are you easily intimidated by people in some sort of power position, like say your boss or a former teacher, when you meet them on the street?
It would depend on my relationship with the person, of course, but generally speaking, no, I wouldn't be intimidated. The exception would be if my relationship to that person was iffy at work or at school; that unease would carry over to a chance meeting. However, if you want to see me intimidated, introduce me to a celebrity I admire. Oy! Talk about tongue-tied!
2. Do you like pants pockets and what do you tend to put in them?
I love pockets in pants, skirts, sweaters, pajamas, and coats. I stuff them with my phone, tissues, trash if I'm not near a trash can, and whatever is on the first floor that should be on the second floor and vice versa.
3. Do you believe the saying, 'Everything old is new again?'
Well, not everything. I'm not seeing a lot of buggy whips and Princess phones around anymore. Some things so get a second wind -- names like Noah and Emily -- others don't. Do you meet any young'uns named Myrtle and Arnold? I didn't think so.
4. Do you believe in serendipity?
Yep. I think events often come together in happy ways.
5. Did you have to look up serendipity before answering Question 4?
Nope. But the question did make me wonder, What's the antonym of serendipity? Bad luck? Inquiring minds want to know. FanSee
friday five,