1. Are you a happy person?
Yes. 'Happy' is my default emotion. (Good DNA: I was born that way.)
2. What is happiness for you?
Lots of things: good food, waking up from a good night's sleep, writing, taking a university class, a child's laugh...I could go on and on.
3. What do you think is the color for happiness?
4. Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and external things?
Truly, as I said above, I think some of us are born happy and achieve it without much effort. Others are dealt a more difficult hand, sometimes much more difficult. That said, certainly being around positive people and having low stress home and work situations help immensely.
5. Can money buy happiness?
It doesn't hurt. The opposite is true: lack of money can result in unhappiness. I might not be Little Mary Sunshine if I were in pain and couldn't go to the doctor, if my child was going to bed hungry, or if I lived, for instance, in Syria or the Sudan. (One of my smartest actions was to be born in Philadelphia in 1937. That's worked out well for me.)