I've had a cold. It's not the flu, it's not bronchitis, it's not pneumonia, it's a common, ordinary, garden-variety cold, and it's made me miz'ble. My nose seems to run non-stop, my throat gets so sore that one night it woke me up out of a sound sleep, and I cough so much that sleeping is difficult and sound sleeping almost impossible. So I apologize for not commenting on your posts and for even failing to answer comments (horrors!) on my own posts. Bad FanSee bad bad bad.
In the midst of all my suffering, Samantha had her 22nd birthday. This is the picture she posted to her FB page:
and this is the birthday cake I surprised her with:
Beiler's, at the Reading Terminal, makes the most extravagant doughnuts ever!
That's a pb&j doughnut, stuffed with peanut butter flavored crème with a dab of jelly on top.
Happy birthday, Sam! ♥