This thread will be for
chibitoaster The
gofundme for chibitoaster.
How this will work:
Artists/Podficcers/Authors/Crafters/Anyone who is willing to give will post a comment detailing what they will auction off for
chibitoaster. All those auctioning will set their prices for the works they are willing to offer.
For examplePodficcers might charge to podfic a fic for
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Donation made; I put "For Starduchess' podfic offer" or similar in the notes, so you can check.
I was thinking, in no particular order:
1) User Interface, MCU, Darcy/JARVIS
2) Into the Swamp, Avatar: the Last Airbender with Princess Bride elements, effectively gen with background Maiko
3) The Mermaid's Wish, H. C. Andersen's The Little Mermaid/xxxHOLiC crossover, gen
For covers and music, maybe...
1) A vibrator (or "personal massager") of some variety, if you're okay with a NSFW cover; no idea about music, unless you can think of something about long distance phone calls or sex toys.
2) Maybe a screencap of the swamp from the appropriate A:TLA episode? (I've got the DVDs if you need me to dig one up, or I'm pretty sure the entire series is currently available on for the 10 year anniversary.) Or of the fire swamp from The Princess Bride? IDK. And maybe the Princess Bride theme, if you can get it? IDK IDK IDK.
3) Something underwater, or maybe a well. I think a kelp forest would be a good representation of the polyp forest. I'd suggest some of the D*sney music for kicks and giggles, but I know they're super protective of their stuff, so probably not :P Uh, ocean sounds maybe? Waves? Something something magic/transformations something?
Also, um, would it be a lot of trouble to make music-free versions as well? I want to make sure that people with audio processing problems won't have issues listening. (I think it's more of a problem with background music than introductory/closing music, but not having such problems myself (and not having done proper research to boot), I can't say one way or another.) I can pitch in another $10 or so if it's a hassle.
Oh, I just read "Into the Swamp". That's hilarious! I love Avatar:TLAB and especially Toph, so that will be fun. ACTUALLY, how would you feel about that one being included in the Awesome Ladies of Fandom Anthology being put together this week? All the pieces are women-centric and 1500 words or less, and they are due on Feb 8th, so I've just got a few days left on those. I can work on your other two pieces after I finish all my Awesome Ladies pieces.
That would be super cool, omigosh! I am 100% down with that :Db
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