Starting a new

Jun 11, 2007 20:08

So Im all moved into my new place now in Timonium. Have to say deffinitely love it. So much more space to live in. Not quite sure what to do with it all lol. We still have a ways to go to get everything to the way the apartment place wants things to be. We have all wood floors so we need to get carpets to cover all the space thats not covered with furniture. Also have to get a hefty bit of renters insurance but I was planning on that anyway.

Today was my first day on the job! Wasnt the most exciting but Im still in the training phase. I was told that I should be getting my phone and laptop in the next day or two and after that I can order business cards. Everyone that works in the office seems really cool too. A lot of great sense of humor which means I will fit in great. Most of the day was just road time. Ended up running a bunch of places to get things and to help a recruit at MEPS. Rest of the day after that was work on the comp.

Normal schedule looks like it going to go as such. Mon. 7am till 6 - 630 and Tues. - Sat 9am to 6-630pm. Thats going on the schedule we have now assuming that our numbers continue to stay good and I dont have an evening appointment that day. Needless to say lots of hours. Daunting as it sounds I still am looking forward to doing the job.
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