a stargate story

Mar 01, 2009 21:45

no beta but maybe you will like that.

Title: A seed for the Jaffa
rating: NC-17 eventually.
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate SG1
pairing: Daniel/Jack, Mitchel/Teal'c, maybe Vala/Sam
summery: a village found opens a new path for the galaxy in general and earth in particular.
spoiler warning:later seasons.

It was an ordinary day at the alpha sight, when one of the routine recon flights around the world shoed something that was never noticed before, a settlement.

SG1 were at base and since they were the main first contact team it was decided that they would be ones to do the meet & greet.

"Ok, we are already here, why are we waiting for the dedalus to take us there?"

"It's on the other side of the planet, Cam, & we have no where to park with the craft we have here."


this short conversation of Sam and Cameron was the last as the five of them waited another minuet for the dedalus to beam them across the world to a small stream of water 500 meters from a small village filled to the brim with Jaffa.


As the team reached the village they saw a man who was wearing an open shirt, showing he was unmistakably a Jaffa, approach them..

"Now what do a Jaffa, two maybe goa'uld, and two humans do with each other in one group? It is something to do with the strange crafts in our heavens no doubt."

The deep resonating voice of a goa'uld was a shock. A Jaffa was not supposed to be a host.

The former galactic thief was the first one to find her voice.

"That's four humans two of them former hosts and a Jaffa, actually. Talking to a Host Jaffa apparently, explain that why don't you. Please"

"Just like the tok'ra are not goa'uld we are even less Jaffa. We noticed you haven't answered Us."

there was a drop of impatience in the man's voice now.


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