Last-Minute Checks

Mar 16, 2011 03:13

My plane doesn't leave the airport until about 6:30 PM. However, it is ALWAYS prudent to arrive for international flights at least 3 hours early. Since the airline I fly with has provided an early online check-in, I have done so in the hopes of speeding the process along.

I have just finished packing and checking my supply list(just a quick note: do make sure your pajamas are cotton or some similarly breathable material...not flannel). I'm packing a week and a half's worth of clothes instead of two, given the limited closet space at the kibbutz itself, but I've managed to get an extra jacket and hat in there. I'll be picking up sunscreen when or after I've arrived.

I have also already changed over some of my dollars to shekels, so that if I arrive and no one is there, I will be able to take a taxi or make a phone call.

Traveler's Tip: If you're going to use a card instead of cash, make sure to call your card company ahead of time and tell them when and where you are going, and for how long. Otherwise, they will freeze your card because it will look stolen.

The Hebrew alphabet guide and brief history of Israel will most likely be posted after I get settled at the kibbutz, about a week.


On a more personal note, due to my current college situation (being a student and an adult and thus able to support myself should I get a job), my parents--mostly my mother--have strongly suggested that I clear my room out and box at least most of it so if/when I do move out (which could be anywhere from immediately after I return up to nine months), it will be easier to simply take everything, since it's already boxed. I may begin posting a guide for students moving out...after I get back to the States, anyway.

Either way, the walls are very bare and most of the drawers are empty for the first time in nearly a decade. It's...a very odd feeling. I haven't had to prepare for such a long absence since I moved to this city.

Well, it's time for me to get some of that good night's rest I suggested in my timeline--if I can get to sleep! I have been your host, and I will see you next Israel!

(No, this isn't me.)
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