Jul 11, 2008 08:37
Hey ficers! So, we've been at it for about a week and a half now, and if you're anything like me, you started the month out strong. Keeping up on your word count. A little bit ahead even. If you're even more like me, you woke up sometime yesterday morning and realized you had magically fallen about five days behind schedule. Now there's a lot of reasons this could be, but no worries, at tis point in the game, a slow fic is totally salvageable. I end up doing the same thing at Nano. No matter how daunting the gap seems to have gotten, the worst thing you can do. The difference cn be made up. With a little determination you can eat away at the gap bit by bit, maybe writing 1,200 or so words a day instead of 807, or you can do like I most likely will: Sit down on your day off work and grind out 7,000 words in one sitting. It's actually way more fun than it sounds like! Regardless, this is about the time of month that it starts getting harder and harder to keep writing, so if you find yourself having trouble, you're not the only one. Think about hooking up with a buddy who's also doing Fanno and having a write-in or word race somewhere, or just se if they can help you talk through whatever plot problems you're having. Just stick with it, believe me, it'll get easier as the month goes on.
P.S The above entry was 252 words. It took me about 7 minutes to write, and I'm slow in general. If you can get your inner editor to chill out, catchig up is easy! ^^