Fanfic writing meme. addenda: pairings

Aug 12, 2011 09:52

new to my flist jessicaqueen  posted her pairing list for the meme and i had a great time reacting.  So here is my long winded response with a few additions.

* Star Trek.   I memorized Gene Roddenberry's definition of t'hyla from the footnotes of the novelization of the first Star Trek movie. So then, with such an awesome canon confirmation of the pairing, I never felt the need to write much Kirk/Spock, beyond the Sonnets spock wrote for kirk.  I'd never actually heard of fanfic in those days, much less slash, but I was a slashgirl from day one.   Spock's death in the Wrath of Khan wrecked me.  I'd never been made to cry by a movie before, so the emotional intensity took me by surprise.

* X Files.  I discovered Slash online in the mid-nineties.  I was like, OH so this is what I am!!  I devoured Mulder/Krycek.  Man, did that pairing sizzle.  To my great happiness, one of my favorite fic writers from the day is on my flist now!  :D

* Sentinel.  A mediocre show with a fantastic fic following.  Granted there was a lot of bad Sentinel fic, with weepy feminized Blair... but there was also some great stuff.  My favorite writer was Francesca, who wrote a massive and incredibly satisfying AU of Jim and Blair's life together.

* Buffy is unique for me in that I've never been able to get into the fic.  Strictly canon for me in Buffy.  I think it's because Joss is such a ficwriter.  He basically runs the gamut trying out all the possible ships in canon.  Where do you even go from there?!?!

* Star Wars. OMG how I loved obi/qui.  I devoured the Apprentice books right up until they made Jude Watson introduce a female love interest for Qui-Gon.  (no one can tell me she's not a slash girl at heart.)  I used to do my aerobics in my Apprentice t shirt, telling myself they were katas.  Unless I was one-armed Krycek trying to get his balance back.  Ahhh.  Liam Neeson, you are MY JEDI.

* HP. I was a HUGE Snape/Harry shipper.  HUGE.  To be honest, I think I was primed for it by my love for Obi/Qui, which opened my eyes to my kink for power disparity.  But to me, the Snape/Harry relationship was so provocative and challenging for each character.... FORCING them to become more and better than who they were apart.  You know, there's a tendency in all other Harry pairings for Harry to rest on his laurels a bit.... and Snape, of course, would run roughshod on any other character with the exception of Dumbledore (which squicks me).  i have FEELINGS about Snape.  After he died in book seven I dropped the fandom like a hot potato and never looked back.

* Jayne Cobb is my little black dress.  Yowza.  I love him to pieces. Jayne/ANYONE.  PERIOD.

* Pirates.  My husband is frequently told how much he looks like Johnny Depp.  Consequently, Pirates is a non issue for me.  :D  In the icon, he is dressed as The Orator for a stage play, so the Depp resemblance is somewhat toned down.  :P
*  Who. Clearly I am all about Doctor/Rose.  But I am becoming intrigued by Doctor/master.... still haven't had any bunnies though.  The canon scenes where the Doctor BEGS the Master to stay with him forever pretty much do it for me.

* Batman. My favorite Batman iteration is Old Bruce and Terry McGinnis.  I've never been able to decide whether their relationship is slashy or not.....  but it is a crazy intense one, with Bruce more intensely Bruce-like in his old age than ever before.  He's like one big distilled lump of bitter old Bruce.  and then Terry comes along and puts on the cowl.  holy crap, such a fascinating dynamic.  There's so very little fic about it though.

* Last but not least, SUPERNATURAL.  I was swallowed up by this show.  I started noticing fic here and there and was like, this is awful. Why do they insult each other so much?   Then I watched a couple Edlund eps and never looked back.  It is, as everyone knows, an insane fandom.  There are absolutely no taboos that haven't been simply SHREDDED by spn fans.  It's also a very demanding fandom. The quality of the good fic is insanely high, and so much is produced every single day, that getting noticed in the fandom is nearly impossible.... especially as a gen writer (I write primarily brotherly samndean).  I've written thousands and thousand of words in spn fandom, with every pairing you can name, and I just kind of swim under the radar.  oh well!  I've given up on the idea of "if you write it they will come"  -- there's simply so much great material out there.  Dean Winchester is my Mary Sue!  that is all.

qui-gon take me away, me!me!meme!, dean is everybody's moral compass, jim ellison, whedonverse, snape in spain, krycek is hot, jayne cobb hunka burnin love, dean, dean is smart!

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