Who ficlets from Blue Skies prompts

Aug 08, 2011 12:20

Title: “Sepulchasm!”
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count:  700
Summary: The Doctor tells Rose about games he played on Gallifrey. From Blue Skies prompt #23, photo of cracked mud

Title:  "Invincible Summer"
Characters & Pairings: Ten/Rose, and other companions
Rating & Warnings: G
Spoilers: through the 2009 specials
Word Count: 373 (ficlet)
Summary:  "Somewhere deep inside me a wildfire burns, invincible summer, consuming the winter that's frozen me."  From Blue Skies prompt #19: In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.  --Albert Camus

Title:  Thy eternal summer
 Characters & Pairings:   Eight, Rose
 Rating & Warnings:  G
 Word Count:  100!
 Summary:   When he is most alone, someone who loves the Doctor is right there with him.  This is a prequel to my Parting of the Ways AU/Coda, " Her Golden Fire" (Nine/Rose, nc17). From  Blue Skies prompt: #10, Shakespeare's XVIII sonnet.

the doctor, fic, who, eight, nine, drabble, ficlet, ten, rose

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